Irene Gilbert—President
Kerry Chelsea—Vice President
Harold Duncan—Treasurer
Graham Leslie—Secretary
Irvine Johnson— Director at Large
Dora Demers— Director at Large
P.O. Box 553 108 Mile Ranch, B.C. V0K 2Z0 Canada
Tel: 250.706.1610
Friends, Supporters, Benefactors and Major Funders
Earlier in the life of our project, the Society extended an invitation to individuals and organizations to support our initiative by subscribing as friends of the project. The invitation was extended not only in the belief that evidence of widespread support from within the community would be an asset when applications for funding were submitted to the senior levels of government, but also in the hope that community members would become more aware of the project and would follow its progress with increased interest.
Those who responded to that invitation, and whose support has been greatly appreciated, are listed below as Friends of the Project, along with our Supporters, Benefactors and Major Funders.
FRIENDS OF THE PROJECT Those who responded to that invitation, and whose support has been greatly appreciated, are listed below as Friends of the Project.
Cariboo Geographic Systems
Cariboo Regional District
Chris Harris Photography
District of 100 Mile House
Durfeld Log & Timber
Graham Dunden Guest Ranch
JN Web Design
Mount Polley Mining Corporation
100 Mile House Free Press
RBC Royal Bank – 100 Mile House
S Cariboo Chamber of Commerce
Graham Adams
Guy and Myra Aggiss
Clayton Beharrell
Gilda Bernath
Barrie and Ann Bolton
Linda Corr
William Crawford
Keith and Kris Dobyns
Joyce Dyck
Arlene Dahl
Trudy and Chris Foster
Billy Feistmantl
Patti Freeman
Rita Giesbrecht
Susan Harding
Chris Harris
Margot Harris
Peter Howard
Margaret Sharon
Nigel Hemingway
Beverley Iverson
Karen Johnson and Tom Puckett
Rick and Liz Jones
Barb MacLeod
Dave Macleod
Bruce Madu
Gisele Marion
Fay Martens and Jacob Smith
Ed Martin
Jerry and Nicola Maughn
Rainer and Ingrid Meyer
Shelly Morton
Gail Moseley
Dick Nichels
Brad Paulson
Leslee Picton
Tom Puckett
Lisa and Brian Pugh
Laura and Russ Rezansoff
Brent Rutherford
John Schuurman
Ann Swann
Jack Witty
Janet Wright
Many influential organizations both within and outside our region responded on numerous occasions to our requests for letters to support our many funding applications, and they are listed as Supporters of the Project.
City of Williams Lake
Indigenous Tourism BC
Cariboo Regional District
BC Museums Association
District of 100 Mile House
UBC Museum of Anthropology
Northern Development Initiative Trust
South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce
Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association
Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce
Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre |
Still others - mainly small and medium-sized business - made the important financial contributions that enabled us to construct the bridge that will now connect the Government Rest Area’s parking lot with our new cultural centre, and they are listed below as Benefactors of the Project. Included on this list are those who have recently made financial contributions to our purchase of equipment that will be installed in the cultural centre.
108 Resort
Arcada Rentals
Bank of Montreal, 100 Mile House
Brent Rutherford
Calija Log & Timber Homes Ltd.
Canada Safeway
Delores Hustwait & John Tutte
Graham & Lisa Leslie
Heartland Toyota
Hub Intl. 100 Mile House & Williams Lake
John & Barbara Hooper
Mount Polley Mining
Nigel Hemingway Land Surveying
OK Tire & Auto Service, Williams Lake
Pharmasave, 100 Mile House
RBC Royal Bank
Regency Chrysler
Sandman Inn
Sunrise Ford
Sitka Log Homes Inc.
The Coast Fraser Inn
Tim Horton's, 100 Mile House
Utd. Steelworkers of America, Local 1-425
West Fraser Mills Ltd.
Williams Lake & District Credit Union,100 Mile House
Williams Lake & District Credit Union, Williams Lake
Fraser Volunteer Association of Canada
Western Financial Group |
And last but by no means least are the many government and private organizations that have funded not only the actual construction of our cultural centre, but also the multitude of tasks that preceded construction. In most of those cases we are obligated by our funding agreements to acknowledge those contributions, but we would in any event have wanted to do so out of our extreme gratitude for the generosity of these organizations and the support of their officials. These organizations are listed as Major Funders of the Project.
Canadian National
Indigenous Tourism BC
Cariboo Regional District
Artsvest British Columbia
Union of BC Municipalities
BC Rural Dividend Program
New Pathways to Gold Society
Department of Canadian Heritage
Crown-Indigenous Relations Canada
Community Futures British Columbia
Northern Development Initiative Trust
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Acton Coalition
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
P.O. Box 553 • 108 Mile Ranch • B.C. V0K 2Z0 • Tel: 250.706.1610
